Bite into GLAmour

Gamma-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid. Known as GLA, it can soothe dry, flaky skin; relieve eczema; and boost the immune system.We get hundreds of tips every day from glamorous models in pro

4 Hospice Care Facts to Know

4 Hospice Care Facts to KnowAs families prepare for the future and consider hospice care for loved ones, it’s important to know and understand what hospice care is and how it can help both patients an

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety, and Loneliness During COVID-19

If the past is any indication, there is a strong connection between a pandemic and a decline in mental health. The Russian (1889 to 1890) and Spanish (1918 to 1920) influenzas have both been associate

Bolstering Kids’ Immunity

Navigating uncertain times is no small feat, especially for parents who are concerned about how to keep their kids happy and safe. Measures such as school shutdowns, frequent handwashing, and physical

Make Sense of Your Travel Preferences

Make Sense of Your Travel PreferencesSeasoned travelers know that no two trips are exactly the same, even when revisiting the same location. The weather changes, your personal life and perspective evo

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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Daytripping With the Guys

The next time someone proposes a hangout and a pint in your guys’ group chat, shake things up. You can grab a beer with your best buds anywhere. Why not atop a soaring mountain peak? Or beside rushing

Supporting Caregivers During the Holidays

The holidays are no break for those who care for a loved one with an illness. Here are some ways to make caregivers\' seasons brighter.’Tis the season of family gatherings. Most of us are busy with add

Active Transportation

Walking our kids to school isn\'t just healthy and social, but also benefits the environment.Do you want to do your part for the environment by reducing emissions, while enjoying health benefits and a

Beauty from Within

Few of us are willing to accept the signs of aging without putting up a fight. Nutricosmetics are today\'s secret weapon supplements for healthy skin.Few of us are willing to accept the signs of aging


Mental Health and COVID-19: Finding Your Calm In The...

With a pandemic, social unrest, political divisiveness, and environmental disasters dominating headlines, we all want to find the shred of good news buried in our newsfeeds. But logging in every day t

All About Your Natural Health Retailer

While physically distancing and staying home to limit the spread of COVID-19, keeping our pantries stocked with healthy food options and necessary household supplies has been a top priority. If your l

4 Tips to Keep Pets Out of Trouble During...

4 Tips to Keep Pets Out of Trouble During Back-to-School SeasonWhen structured school days and hours away from home return to the schedule, all members of the household feel the shift, even pets. Pets

Make Quality Time Thanksgiving’s Secret Ingredient

Make Quality Time Thanksgiving\'s Secret IngredientPerhaps more than usual, the centerpiece this Thanksgiving won’t be the turkey, the stuffing or even family-famous recipes for sweet potato casserole

A Crafty Storage Solution

A Crafty Storage SolutionA desk or workspace is one of the most difficult spaces to organize. Between the things you need to keep within reach and the mementos and treasures you want close by, chasing

Break Free from Costly Streaming Services

Break Free from Costly Streaming ServicesMonthly subscription fees for streaming video services can really add up. That’s why television, film and music stars – such as The Pussycat Dolls lead singer

Boost Your Spirits Through the Holidays and Beyond

Boost Your Spirits Through the Holidays and BeyondStress and anxiety are all too familiar to many Americans, this year especially, and the added pressure of the holiday season may provide a new set of

Resources for Addressing Mental Health Challenges at Work

Resources for Addressing Mental Health Challenges at WorkEvery year, about 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences a mental illness and 1 in 25 lives with a serious mental illness that substant

Bucketlist Experiences

Pretty Pokeweed Poisonous From Berries to Tap Root

Pretty Pokeweed Poisonous From Berries to Tap Root- Common pokeweed (Phytolacca Americana) doesn’t look poisonous, but every part of it is. That can be a problem in fall, particularly for youngsters.

The Importance of Senior Fitness

The Importance of Senior Fitness- According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), exercise and physical activity are some of the best things older adults can do to stay healthy. Even moderate ex

Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty

Building Children\'s Emotional Resilience Amid UncertaintyFor parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandem

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