Dietary Solutions for Pets

Dietary Solutions for PetsUnderstanding and treating food intolerances in petsIf your four-legged friend is exhibiting some unusual symptoms, there’s a chance a food sensitivity may be the culprit. Ev

Beauty Tips for Cancer Survivors

Looking good gives a mental boost to cancer survivors. Our skin care, nail care, and beauty tips will help you look great and put a smile back on your face.After cancer treatment, reclaiming your beau

Make Sense of Doggy Dental Care

Make Sense of Doggy Dental CareDental care for dogs is important, but it’s an aspect of care that is frequently overlooked by dog owners. One of the few outward signs of dental problems lurking just b

Controlling Slugs

Controlling Slugs- If there\'s one garden pest that\'s universally despised, it\'s slugs. Not only do they eat prized vegetables, herbs, and flowers at night while you sleep, but when you do catch them,

Caring For The Carer

If the recent health care environment has taught us anything, it’s that our health system relies heavily on home caregiving for those who are sick and dying. And while there are benefits to home care

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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‘Why I Grow Hemp’

For more than 20 years, Canada’s hemp farmers have been seeding and harvesting a crop that has grown to become, by some reports, the second largest of its kind in the world. Canadian hemp production i

Personal Care From Nature

We take great care of our health by eating right, sleeping well, and exercising. But sometimes this care doesn’t extend to some of our everyday products. Here’s why we should pay more attention to the

Bringing Communities Together

Bringing Communities TogetherIt’s important today to find ways to connect with others to help deepen your understanding of those around you. In a time when differences seem to dominate today’s culture

Essential Pantry Staples to Have on Hand

Essential Pantry Staples to Have on HandKeeping a well-stocked pantry ensures you can pull together a quality meal on a moment\'s notice or when unexpected circumstances keep you from making it to the


Waiting in the Wings: The Real You

Last year was tumultuous—a day-to-day reckoning with many unknowns. If you feel lost as the new year begins, unsure of what goals to set, don’t despair. Confusion can be a necessary precursor to becom

Go Exploring for These Hidden Travel Gems

Go Exploring for These Hidden Travel GemsDiscovering a region’s secret treasures is one of the greatest rewards of travel. When you embrace an adventurer’s spirit, there’s no telling just where you’ll

Kids' Digestive Complaints

Does your little one have an upset stomach? Natural remedies can help ease kids\' digestive problems.When we think of digestive concerns, we typically imagine adults; however, tummy troubles can also o

Fire Safety for Furry Family Members

Fire Safety for Furry Family MembersIf you have a fire escape plan in place for your home, you’re steps ahead of many Americans. According to the National Fire Protection Association, only 30% of Amer

10 Surprising Facts About Calcium and Your Body

Calcium is a crucial nutrient that helps the body fulfill many functions. You may associate calcium with your daily glass of milk or serving of yogurt to help support strong bones. However, there’s mu

Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty

Building Children\'s Emotional Resilience Amid UncertaintyFor parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandem

Don’t Fall For Fast Fashion

How much clothing do you own? The average person today buys 60 percent more items of clothing than they did 15 years ago, and yet families are spending less on clothing overall. Our society’s obsessio

Expert Advice On How to Find the Perfect Balance...

In a world that feels off its axis, how can we find a healthy balance of activities to get through the day? alive has asked a range of our favourite health experts questions on how we can thrive throu

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Am I Pretty Or Ugly?

Children as young as five years old are unhappy with their body image, and some six-year-old girls want to look \"sexy.\" What can parents do to counteract the destructive messages that kids receive thr

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Safe Summer Driving

Safe Summer DrivingEnsure your tires are ready for the roadDuring the warmer months, additional travel and hot roadways can put added stress on your vehicle and its tires, in particular. Normal drivin

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