Love The Body You’re In

The immense pressure teen girls face to look a certain way can lead to challenges such as eating disorders, depression, or lower self-esteem. Luckily, promoting positive embodiment sets the foundation

Levelling The Balance

Goldilocks and the immune system have something in common (hear me out on this one)! The immune system is responsible for many checks and balances in a day: it scans the body for abnormal or precancer

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare FraudEvery day, Medicare fraud affects people with Medicare and their families across the U.S. – regardless of background – robbing them of hard-earned money

Feeding Our Future

These days, it’s easier than ever to access organic food. Thanks to growing consumer demand and growing supply, Canadians spend more than $5 billion a year on organic food and beverages, up a whopping

10 Benefits of Drinking Water

Humans are a lot like raisins. At birth, our bodies are approximately 78 percent water. Then we start to dry out. Adults are approximately 60 percent water, and seniors hover at around 50 percent wate

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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Surprising Benefits for Active Kids

Now that the kids are hitting the books, adequate daily exercise might become a footnote. Learn why active kids reap more benefits in and outside of the classroom!We all know that—as an overall rule—k

Creative Gift Ideas for Kids

Creative Gift Ideas for KidsFew things compare to the joy and excitement on the faces of children on Christmas morning as they rush to the tree in search of packages bearing their names. Though it may

The Yoga Mom: Josephine Jacob

By now, you’ve probably heard about yoga for kids. It’s a concept that Josephine Jacob, known on Instagram as @yoga_mami, takes to new heights when she practises gravity-defying poses with her two son

Practical Tips for Caregivers Facing a Pandemic

Practical Tips for Caregivers Facing a PandemicWhether your role as a caregiver has you looking out for an elderly relative, children or both, chances are good that you’ve worried about how the COVID-


alive's May 2021 Challenge: Make Your Mornings Magical

Hey there, do you love/hate the snooze button? Feel groggy and uninspired as you shuffle out of bed? Rely on approximately 14 cups of coffee to feel conscious before noon? Life can be challenging, but

6 Ways to Help Busy Kids Thrive

Busy kids can be a challenge—but you can help them thrive. Read on to learn how nutrition and leisure time can affect your child\'s energy levels.Children have personalities of their own. Some kids lov

alive's 12 Months of Wellness: Sign Up Now

Let\'s be real here; 2020 wasn\'t an easy year. We\'ve been reminded of just how important it us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, and to put an even bigger focus on our health than ever befo

Pencils, Erasers, and Eye Exams

As a child grows, so do the child\'s eyes. Now\'s the time to get an annual eye exam to determine any potential vision problems.New clothes, fresh school supplies, and a fridge full of healthy ingredien


Birding is an easy, inexpensive family activity that requires almost no equipment beyond a pair of binoculars, some comfortable shoes, and a field guide.If you have ever been enraptured by the wild ca

Make Quality Time Thanksgiving’s Secret Ingredient

Make Quality Time Thanksgiving\'s Secret IngredientPerhaps more than usual, the centerpiece this Thanksgiving won’t be the turkey, the stuffing or even family-famous recipes for sweet potato casserole

The vegan skincare ingredients you need this summer

With long, sunny days to enjoy the great outdoors, summer can be the best of times for radiant health. But for your skin? It can be the worst of times. Basking in the hot sun or cooling off in air con

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The good fight isn’t always easy. While spreading the good word and fighting for what’s right is invigorating, it can also start to take a physical and mental toll. Read up on how to keep your activis

Bucketlist Experiences

Controlling Slugs

Controlling Slugs- If there\'s one garden pest that\'s universally despised, it\'s slugs. Not only do they eat prized vegetables, herbs, and flowers at night while you sleep, but when you do catch them,

Harness the Healing Power of Colour

“The effects of colour fly under our awareness radar,” says professor Andrew Elliot, a lead researcher in the field of colour psychology. Whether you know it or not, you (and even some animals!) are a

Facing Up to Winter

Putting your best face forward means creating healthy skin all year round, no matter which part of Canada, and what kind of weather, you call home.Putting your best face forward means creating healthy

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