Safe Grilling Tips for a Sizzling Summer

Safe Grilling Tips for a Sizzling SummerWhen temperatures soar this summer, many American families may be seeking a break from the monotony of their everyday routines. To make the most of the extra ti

Beat Back-to-School Stress!

September, with its strange schools, new teachers, and different classmates, can be an exciting - and stressful - time for kids. Here are four stress busters to help them make the most of the school y

4 Tips to Keep Pets Out of Trouble During...

4 Tips to Keep Pets Out of Trouble During Back-to-School SeasonWhen structured school days and hours away from home return to the schedule, all members of the household feel the shift, even pets. Pets

Splish, Splash

Congrats! You’ve given yourself permission to settle into a warm, luxurious soak.Looking for a little rest and relaxation away from the everyday hubbub? What better way than to soak all your cares awa

Recovery For People and The Planet

Since the arrival of COVID-19, many cities are reporting cleaner air and less pollution. Are these real, long-term benefits? The truth is a bit more complicated. To ensure that we recover from COVID-1

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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Caring For The Carer

If the recent health care environment has taught us anything, it’s that our health system relies heavily on home caregiving for those who are sick and dying. And while there are benefits to home care

Make the Most of Outdoor Concerts

Make the Most of Outdoor ConcertsFor many music lovers, there are few things better than an evening spent at a concert, sprawled out on the lawn with friends. Concerts and interesting venues can also

Ease Into Education

Ease Into EducationIf there’s one constant this year, it’s change. With another school year comes even more change, but you can help your family make a smooth transition with some planning and prepara

Time to Ditch These Bad Hair Care Practices

Taking care of your hair can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. This is especially true as informed consumers spend more and more time on the lookout for toxic chemicals like sulfates, parabens, an


Bite into GLAmour

Gamma-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid. Known as GLA, it can soothe dry, flaky skin; relieve eczema; and boost the immune system.We get hundreds of tips every day from glamorous models in pro

Dyeing for Great Hair

Colouring away the greys may boost our confidence, but do you know what\'s in conventional hair dye products? Before you dye, make an informed choice.Approximately 33 percent of women over 18 and 10 pe

Feeling Stressed?

We tend to think of stress as a modern malady, but you’d better believe that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the emperors of Rome suffered their fair share of anxious moments.* The herbs ancient civ

Green Building

Since time immemorial, humans have relied on homes in their many forms for safety, comfort, and community. But in recent decades, our penchant for big homes built quickly has come at a great environme

Take the Sting Out of Your Child’s Allergies

When your child spends more time scratching, sneezing, and wheezing than playing and adventuring, it can be hard to know how to help them with their allergies. While antihistamines and epinephrine hav

Eat like Earthy Andy!

If you’re anything like us, you’re a little obsessed with all things Andrea Hannemann (@EarthyAndy on Instagram), from her pics of splashing in the surf with her kids to her videos of nailing squat ch

Happy Feet

Hey, twinkle toes, do your tired, aching feet need a pick-me-up after hours of holiday shopping? Try a relaxing foot soak to rejuvenate your tender tootsies.Foot care is important at busy times of the

Caught in the Middle

Caught in the MiddleHelp for the Sandwich Generation- Twenty million American adults are caring for aging parents at the same time they\'re raising young children. Known as the Sandwich Generation, the

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The Speed of Stress From 0 to 60

What fears and worries keep you up at night? For my toddler, it’s very specific: big monkeys. For my mother, it’s retirement. Mental health experts say each generation—from kids to seniors—have unique

6 Natural Aids for Sleep

Some natural products benefit healthy sleep through a number of different actions. Here are our top 6 recommendations: Melatonin - signals sleep onset in the brainMagnesium - muscle and nervous system

Spring’s Flowers

Looking to spice up your springtime meals? Why not try adding a sprinkle of edible flowers to your recipe repertoire? While it may seem a bit “far out” to be eating flowers, you probably have already

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