Writing a Winning College Essay: Tips for letting your...

Writing a Winning College Essay: Tips for letting your story shine throughTips for letting your story shine throughFor the more than 2 million students applying to colleges and universities, the task

10 Easy Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

10 Easy Vegetables to Grow in Your GardenGrowing fresh, healthy vegetables at home isn\'t as hard as it may sound. Novice gardeners just need good dirt, easy plants to grow, lots of sunshine and the ri

Sun Exposure: A Before-and-After Guide

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy—or it should be. Here are some simple strategies to enjoy the sunshine and keep your skin safe and beautiful.Eat your sunscreen …Your summer skin strategy shoul

5 Ways to End Bedtime Battles

In my house, the call to bedtime also signals the arrival of My Son the Lawyer, an expert negotiator able to extract every scrap of available read-aloud time—that is, when he isn’t tossing all of his

Feeling Stressed?

We tend to think of stress as a modern malady, but you’d better believe that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the emperors of Rome suffered their fair share of anxious moments.* The herbs ancient civ

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

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Spring into Wellness

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Expert Advice: How to Support Your Immune System

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world are feeling anxious and full of questions about staying healthy. Washing your hands and keeping your distance from others is the absolute best way

Harness the Healing Power of Colour

“The effects of colour fly under our awareness radar,” says professor Andrew Elliot, a lead researcher in the field of colour psychology. Whether you know it or not, you (and even some animals!) are a

Make It A Family Affair

Type 2 diabetes was almost nonexistent among children three decades ago, affecting primarily adults 45 and older. Nowadays there is a worrying increase in cases among young people. What happened betwe


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10 Reasons to Eat Pulses Every Day

Pulses are one of the world’s healthiest foods (for people and the planet). They’re an excellent source of protein, saturated fat free, and high in fiber. And that’s not all: studies have shown that a

Stay Sharp to 100!

When you’re in your twenties and thirties, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease may seem like distant concerns. But taking care of your brain isn’t something you should put off. Certainly, the vast maj

3 Types of Supplements for Skin Health

We can protect what\'s on the outside by ramping up what we take in on the inside. Stay radiant with skin-supporting supplements and minerals.Our skin takes a lot of hammer. Exposure to the elements, a

The 11-Year Old CEO

Can kids be entrepreneurs? With a marketable skill, a passion for helping others, and the right support system—absolutely.Ella Psaila seems like a normal 11-year-old. She loves bacon, moustaches, and

3 Ways Pups Can Improve Seniors’ Health

3 Ways Pups Can Improve Seniors\' HealthFurry friends can play a significant role in pet owners’ lives. The old saying goes, “dogs are man’s best friend,” and research shows they may be more than that.

Make Nutrition a Priority for Your Pet

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Well Groomed

Men\'s grooming needs are a little different than women\'s. Razor burn, ingrown hairs, and hair loss are a few of men\'s problem areas.Men have physiological differences that make their skin and grooming

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In spring, our complexions can go from gloomy to glowing with help from natural skin care products.Transitional skin care can be tricky. We’re out of the worst ravages of winter, but we haven’t yet gr

How to Roast Dandelion Roots

Dandelions are a strong ally in the body’s fight against cancer. Here’s some helpful kitchen tips on how to roast them so you can reap the amazing healthy benefits. You can find the full article on pa

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