Best Hair Practices

Understanding your hair and scalp type will help you customize a natural routine to keep your hair healthy and shiny.Many of us feel that our hair is a key part of our identity—or at the very least, a

Energy-Efficient Ideas to Upgrade Your Home

Energy-Efficient Ideas to Upgrade Your HomeEnergy bills are likely among the largest expenses for homeowners, but you can take action to lower those costs. During a remodel, a certified contractor can

Gardening With Charlie – Pruning a Shrub Rose

Gardening With Charlie - Pruning a Shrub Rose- Kathy Bond-Borie, Guest Columnist Many a gardener has stood before a favorite rose shrub with pruners in hand, hesitant to make the first cut. Thorns asi

Beauty Care—Organically

When choosing organic products, it’s time to think beyond the kitchen! There’s a whole world of certified organic products waiting to be discovered in the beauty sections of natural health retailers.

Indoor Plants: A Breath of Fresh Air

Whether at home or work, most people spend the majority of their lives indoors. Despite spending less time outside, there is still a strong connection between humans and the outdoors. For those workin

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

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Is achieving flawless skin one of your New Year’s resolutions? What about kicking your makeup routine up a notch?Luckily for us, 2017 has great things in store for natural beauty trends. Here’s what w

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Research Forecast: Where is CBD Headed

British cannabis researcher Daniel Couch, PhD, and his team recently conducted a national survey of what people in the UK are using medical cannabis for (mind you, this includes marijuana’s THC along

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Raise Health-Smart Kids

When it comes to getting kids to make healthy choices, parents play an important role. Learn how to help your kids adopt healthy habits, eat their fruits and vegetables, and stay active.Healthy habits

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Love The Body You’re In

The immense pressure teen girls face to look a certain way can lead to challenges such as eating disorders, depression, or lower self-esteem. Luckily, promoting positive embodiment sets the foundation

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Do you know the ingredients in your skincare products? And do you know if they do what they’re supposed to—or are even safe? There’s no reason to live with mystery ingredients and skin that’s not look

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With a pandemic, social unrest, political divisiveness, and environmental disasters dominating headlines, we all want to find the shred of good news buried in our newsfeeds. But logging in every day t

Your Pre- and Mid-Workout Nutrition Guide

Most of us will never need to eat that much. But endurance sports, whether you’re running a marathon or a 5K, do require a different approach to nutrition, starting with doubling your carbohydrate int

Lettuce Disrupt the Food System

If you’re a lover of fresh, local produce and a champion of the environment, then growing some of your own food is likely at the top of your #homegoals list. But given the time and talent it takes to

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