Gardening With Charlie – How to Grow a Tomato

Gardening With Charlie - How to Grow a TomatoTomatoes are far and away the most popular vegetable grown by home gardeners. Who can resist the vast array of sizes, shapes, colors, and flavors of hybrid

Examining the Role of Vitamin D in COVID-19

We’ve been maintaining a strong focus on our health and immunity this year, and for good reason. The practice of good hygiene and social and physical distancing combined with a strong immune system ar

5 Reasons Why Appreciating Nature Is So Important Right...

Who here has been going on a lot of walks in nature lately? With many businesses closed and physical distancing still encouraged, there isn’t much to do with your free time. But there is one thing you

alive's May 2021 Challenge: Make Your Mornings Magical

Hey there, do you love/hate the snooze button? Feel groggy and uninspired as you shuffle out of bed? Rely on approximately 14 cups of coffee to feel conscious before noon? Life can be challenging, but

Clever Storage for Kids’ Rooms

Clever Storage for Kids\' RoomsTo many parents, the process of keeping kids\' rooms clean never seems to end. And while a kid\'s room may never look quite like the perfect rooms in magazines, a few cleve

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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So Long, Screen

Are screens dominating your family time? These creative ideas (from a mom who’s tried them!) will make you excited about screen-free activities. Our tips will also help you make the most out of screen

Improve Your Mental Health with Better Sleep

Improve Your Mental Health with Better SleepFor some, the holidays may be the happiest season of all, but for others the hectic pace and endless to-do lists can take a real toll on their mental health

Making the Back-to-School Transition Easy from Kindergarten to College

Making the Back-to-School Transition Easy from Kindergarten to CollegeIt’s time to get your household organized for another school year and all that comes with it. Whether your child is headed off to

Sleeping for Better Health

Getting better sleep is probably the most underrated strategy we can adopt for better health. Research scientists are spending many waking hours learning more about the critical importance of sleep to


Are There Bugs In Your Beauty Bag?

Beauty products containing probiotics have become ubiquitous on our natural health store shelves of late. It’s a burgeoning beauty trend that has many of us thinking about our skin’s microbiome. But w

Rejuvenate Winter Skin

Has harsh winter weather left your skin dry, cracked, and irritable? To deliver maximum moisture, choose hyaluronic acid and revel in its skin healing benefits.Has harsh winter weather and indoor heat

Adult Acne

Although acne is associated with teens, many adults also suffer. Here\'s how to clear your complexion, naturally.Those of us who suffered from acne as teens dreamed of when we’d grow up and our acne wo

The Eyes Give You Away

As Friends’ Phoebe Buffay once said, “You need to do something about your eyes … there’s too much wisdom in there.” Well, we may not be trying to pass for 19, but there’s no two ways about it—the eyes

The Speed of Stress From 0 to 60

What fears and worries keep you up at night? For my toddler, it’s very specific: big monkeys. For my mother, it’s retirement. Mental health experts say each generation—from kids to seniors—have unique

Conscious Celebrations

This holiday season, let’s rethink consumption The holidays are notorious for excess and overconsumption. It’s not just bad news for the planet, though: this excess also creates stress, both emotional

Supplement Backup for Women

A woman\'s nutritional needs change with her age. Supplements can ensure women get the nutrients they need no matter what their age.Over a woman’s lifetime, her health concerns and nutrient needs can v

Kids Can Save Lives by Getting Active at Home

Kids Can Save Lives by Getting Active at HomeAs millions of people across the globe social distance and self-quarantine to help prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus, kids and families can h

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5 Tips for Better Home Safety this Spring

5 Tips for Better Home Safety this SpringAs people become more active during the warmer months, keeping home safety top of mind can sometimes go by the wayside. However, when it comes to fire and carb

Inside Out

All you men (and, okay, pretty much all humans) who just cannot with the 27-step skincare routines touted by celebrities and beauty insiders: don’t worry. You’re not facing a lifetime of dull skin. Tu

Spring’s Flowers

Looking to spice up your springtime meals? Why not try adding a sprinkle of edible flowers to your recipe repertoire? While it may seem a bit “far out” to be eating flowers, you probably have already

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