Gardening With Charlie – How to Grow a Tomato

Gardening With Charlie - How to Grow a TomatoTomatoes are far and away the most popular vegetable grown by home gardeners. Who can resist the vast array of sizes, shapes, colors, and flavors of hybrid

A Green Halloween

Halloween can come with some creepy chemicals. Help your little ghouls and goblins have an eco-friendly Halloween.Halloween is a fun-filled and exciting holiday that many young families take part in e

Is It Possible To Boost Immunity?

Yes, absolutely! It’s worth mentioning that the goal is not to “stimulate” the immune system, but rather to “modulate” or change the immune response to make it as efficient as possible. Supplements to

Growing Up Green

Everywhere we turn, we learn grim news about the state of our natural environment. Climate scientists tell us that we now have fewer than 10 years to change the course of the climate crisis. And so, w

Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot – It’s Important!

Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot - It\'s Important!Getting vaccinated for the flu is more important than ever. Not only will a flu shot help keep you and your family healthy, it can help reduce the strain on

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Prepare Your Home for Holiday GuestsWelcoming friends and family into your home, celebrating time-honored traditions with delicious food and enjoying quality time with loved ones are all sure signs th

Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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Plant-Based Meals and Diets for Sensitivities

Getting on the health trainWe all want to eat healthy, but it isn\'t easy during this strange time where we\'re relying on pantry staples and whatever else we can get out hands on. Sourcing foods to sup

Spring Into Summer

Spring! It’s the time of year when nature is celebrating beautiful new beginnings. So, why not celebrate yourself by refreshing your look—starting with your hair! If you’re thinking of revitalizing yo

Beauty Series Part 1

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy—or it should be. Here are some simple strategies to enjoy the sunshine and keep your skin safe and beautiful. Eat your sunscreen…Your summer skin strategy shoul

How to Truly Keep Your Skin Hydrated

What does water have to do with skin? A ton. Your skin is full of water—30 percent water, in fact—and keeping it there can help make your complexion healthy and happy. Water content is a major factor


Sleeping for Better Health

Getting better sleep is probably the most underrated strategy we can adopt for better health. Research scientists are spending many waking hours learning more about the critical importance of sleep to

Energizing Eats

When we’re in the grips of winter and the short, dark days are upon us, we can sometimes start feeling a bit down and withdrawn. For some, this can trigger a type of seasonal depression called seasona

Get Away Without Going Away

Get Away Without Going Away5 family staycation ideas that won’t break your budgetFamily vacations are a great way to bond and take a step back from the hectic schedules that accompany everyday life, b

Home (or Near Home) for The Holidays

With travel restrictions still in place, a lot of people who usually jump on a plane for the holidays will be picking a nearby local destination instead this year. Renting a cottage or other property

Birth of the Biome

In preparation for childbirth, excited parents-to-be envision life with their new child, choosing outfits, imagining conversations, and planning outings. It’s safe to say that few parents daydream abo

What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? Time to Play...

Do the kids in your life run around for at least one hour a day? According to a UK study, many youngsters don’t.My memories of elementary school include plenty of activity: I played Red Rover and “Wha

Lettuce Disrupt the Food System

If you’re a lover of fresh, local produce and a champion of the environment, then growing some of your own food is likely at the top of your #homegoals list. But given the time and talent it takes to

MENtal Health

According to the World Health Organization, over 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. In Canada, one in five experience a mental health or addiction problem, reports the Centre for A

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Save Time with Easy Meal Hacks

Save Time with Easy Meal HacksIf it feels as though your life is too busy, you\'re not alone. Many families experience the feeling of constant busyness, but there are ways to save time around the house

Are You a Plantivore?

People have been identifying themselves as vegetarians and vegans for years. Then came flexitarians and omnivores. Now, it’s all about “plantivores,” or people following a plant-based diet, usually fo

A Driving Force

Long before electric vehicles (EVs) became an ordinary sight on roads across the country, Daniel Novy—whose last name, fittingly, means “new”—was an enthusiast. The Slovakian- born machinist and amate

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