Planning for the Future

Planning for the FutureTaking inventory of your financial healthOnly 28% of Americans are financially healthy, according to the U.S. Financial Health Pulse. Most others will have difficulty reaching l

Keep Safe with Home Upgrades This Summer

Keep Safe with Home Upgrades This SummerExtra time around the house this summer may be welcome for avid DIYers. With lists of upgrades and renovations to tackle, homeowners can rely on portable genera

Medicare Takes Aim at Medical Identity Theft

Medicare Takes Aim at Medical Identity TheftCriminals are increasingly targeting people age 65 or older for personal identity theft. In 2014 alone, there were 2.6 million such incidents among seniors,

Caring for Your Nutrition When Caregiving

Caring for Your Nutrition When CaregivingFamily caregivers of people with illnesses, injuries or disabilities sometimes spend more time thinking about those they care for than themselves. It’s importa

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare FraudEvery day, Medicare fraud affects people with Medicare and their families across the U.S. – regardless of background – robbing them of hard-earned money

Hello, I am Jenny Allen!

Theeous is a blog that focuses on health and lifestyle. We provide readers with wealth of high-quality content about lifestyle,food, beauty, home, travel, and health, and provide useful suggestions for people who want to live a healthier life. You can also Learn a lot about healthy lifestyles to helps you to do exactly that — live better

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Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

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Entertainment Options for Cord-Cutters

Entertainment Options for Cord-CuttersWith cable and satellite subscription costs continuing to rise, many people are turning to the internet for alternative entertainment options. According to eMarke

Get Ready for Guests

Get Ready for GuestsTips to prepare your home for summer entertainingSummer entertaining season brings joy, laughter and plenty of ways to create special memories. From a fresh coat of paint to some s

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No matter how jam-packed your schedule is, there’s a get-summer-ready beauty routine for every woman out there. Here’s your guide to getting the best hair, skin and nails at home—even if you only have

5 Ways to End Bedtime Battles

In my house, the call to bedtime also signals the arrival of My Son the Lawyer, an expert negotiator able to extract every scrap of available read-aloud time—that is, when he isn’t tossing all of his

Caring for Your Nutrition When Caregiving

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Brain Breakthroughs

When it comes to training—and nurturing—your noodle, the latest apps, “diets,” and methods would appear to have you covered. Read on to find out whether studies and experts approve of the latest in br

These families did the unthinkable

Who hasn’t fantasized about leaving it all behind and traveling abroad à la Eat Pray Love? For most of us, reality soon sets in: there are kids to care for, pets to feed, bills to pay. But for these g

5 Ways to Grow Through Grief

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Health Tests At Your Fingertips

Wish you could skip the hassle of going to your doctor’s office to find out if you’re low on vitamin D or have a sluggish thyroid? You’re in luck. These days, you don’t necessarily need a doctor’s scr

Lice be Gone!

Homework isn’t the only thing that kids dread bringing home from school. Lice can be a very common problem for children and can spread in school settings.Homework isn’t the only thing that kids dread

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6 Tips for Vegan Meal-Planning Like a Pro

1. Include something you know they likeAdd an ingredient your child already likes to any new dish that you’re introducing. Vegan dad Danny Payne found that his young daughter Clara really liked hazeln

The Stress-Complexion Connection

Our appearance can bear the brunt of a stressful lifestyle. Dark circles and wrinkled skin may seem like superficial issues, but the link between chronic stress and appearance can go far deeper than y

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A Tailgating Game Plan

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Guys Think About It Too

Struggles with body image, pressure to have a particular body type, and weight-based stigma are often thought of as women’s issues. But research paints another picture. A 2018 study published in the j

Best Height for Hanging Basket Plants

Best Height for Hanging Basket Plants- When we buy a hanging basket plant, it’s growing in a pot with a hanger on it. Most hangers are fourteen inches from the top of the hanger to the top of the pot.

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